Monday, June 28, 2010

Wanted: Redskins Spurrier Visor

Though, Steve Spurrier's dismal tenure as head coach of the Washington Redskins is best forgotten, as his 12-20 record can attest, I would like to find one of the iconic Spurrier golf visors.


  1. I'm a huge fan of the old-school/tall/Snedeker visors. Good luck with your search...

  2. I like Snedeker, he was finally playing well at Pebble Beach.
    Check out these video interviews, one of them is Brandt driving around Nashville in his tahoe, and the other is him doing the coin toss at a Vandy game, he's seems like a pretty cool guy.

  3. I have 2 black Reebok Redskins Steve Spurrier visors for sale on eBay starting today. 1 is unworn with the tag still on the brim, the other was worn once or twice.
